Pretty little doe, easy kidder, throws some gorgeous kids. Pretty udder on her out of one of my favorite dam lines. In breeding pen with Natarube' $700
SS: MCH/GCH Lost Valley KW Pegasus +*S/+*B
SD:ARMCH/GCH Lost Valley Callisto 2*D/2*M
DS: Lost Valley DAX Sea Doo *S
DD: ARMCH/GCH Lost Valley Lacey 2*D/2*M
Another typical CC daughter, long bodied and dairy. She came in with a well attached udder and good capacity for her size. She's a small doe only measuring 18 1/8" so far. We know as she grows so will her udder.
Blue Eyes
smaller doe but still built well. in breeding pen with Natarube $700
SS: Lost Valley ML Fabian *S
SD: ARMCH/GCH Hill Country KW Bridges Burn 2*D/1*M
DS: MCH/GCH Lost Valley KW Pegasus +*S/+B
DD: ARMCH/GCH Lost Valley KW Nala 4*D/3*M
Nebula is a pretty girl who is not a people person which totally unlike her brother Frankie at KidsNDragons. We have been very pleased with her udder and are thrilled with the gorgeous kids she had. Can't wait to see her with future freshenings.
Lilly is a heart goat, for now she will be staying but should she become available at a later time she would have to go to the perfect home.
SS: Lost Valley TB Cairo +*S/+*B
SD: MCH/GCH Lost Valley CC Tatiana 4*D/1*M
DS: Lost Valley PG Casting Crown +*S/+*B
DD: Lost Valley LG Legendary CMZ 3*D/3*M
I cannot even tell you how much I love this sweet girl. Lilli just oozes dairy character. She is long and level, angular and sharp with thin dairy skin and a well attached mammary. Hoping to get udder pictures soon.
Fisher is staying will probably retire here.
SS: Freedom Star LIl Texas +B
SD: Creekwood Acres Fancy Boots
DS: Gay-Mor's RA Kingwood ++*S
DD: CH Steele Ballew Lantanna *D
I have been over the moon excited about this doe I'm so pleased with her. She freshened with a beautiful udder and I can't wait to fill it up and get pictures! Her udder picture was taken at 10 months fresh I can't be mad at that at all. I absolutely love the balance and dairy strength of this doe. I think she is very much a mini replica of Callisto so that makes me super happy. She's definitely one to keep and eye on.
This doe is ALL about milk if you are looking to add production to your herd Riley fits the bill. I have her in the breeding pen with Mercy-Me. She is blue eyed and POLLED. $800
SS: Texas Skyz LT Freedom Bell *S *B
SD: Dancing Dog Honey Bee 2*D/2*M
DS: Lost Valley LG Neeko *S *B
DD: MCH/GCH Lost Valley CC Tatiana 4*D/1*M
Just a tremendous little doe the more I'm around her the more I appreciate her. She has a very capacious well attached mammary with buttery soft texture and she's a dream to milk. I really think she needs to see a show ring next year!
This is Audrey's heart goat. She will be staying and most likely retiring here.
SS: Texas Skyz LT Freedom Bell *S *B
SD: Dancing Dog Honey Bee 2*D/2*M
DS: MCH/GCH Lost Valley KW Pegasus +*S/+B
DD: MCH/GCH Lost Valley CC Tatiana 4*D/1*M
This doe has my heart. She's just as sweet and easy going as can be, she wants to be with her people and please them. We are super excited about her first freshing udder, can't wait to udder her up!
This is Audrey's heart goat. She will be staying and most likely retiring here.
SS: Lost Valley PG Casting Crown +*S/+*B
SD: Lost Valley C Morgan Brody 5*D/5*M
DS: Lost Valley FB Moses *S
DD: ARMCH/GCH Lost Valley KW Nala 4*D/3*M 09 Res Nat'l Ch
Sweet like her momma she is the most unassuming goat ever. She's just laid back and easy going ALWAYS! So extremely happy with this breeding. Arie is a small but loooong bodied doe. She had a very nicely shaped, well attached and capacious udder as a first freshener and we are excited about her future.
Lost Valley Dairy Goats
PO Box 63773, Pipe Creek, TX 78063, US
Audrey & Amy Kowalik
Copyright © 2024 Lost Valley Dairy Goats - All Rights Reserved.
Please request permission before using photos.